wood spirit造句
- Because of its nodal position, Hajn體ka became a seat of two lumber-mills, wood spirit distillery and a major train station for of narrow gauge railways were built across the forest.
- In 1900, Yakunchikova's large panel " Little Girl and the Wood Spirits " ( mixed media involving embroidery and applique ) was awarded a Silver Medal at the Paris World Fair.
- The modern process of carbonizing wood, either in small pieces or as sawdust in cast iron retorts, is extensively practiced where wood is scarce, and also for the recovery of valuable byproducts ( wood spirit, pyroligneous acid, wood tar ), which the process permits.
- Some of his works include : " The Dawning of Music in Kentucky, or the Pleasures of Harmony in the Solitudes of Nature " ( Philadelphia, 1820 ); " The Columbiad, or Migration of American Wild Passenger Pigeons " ( 1858 ); " The Ornithological Combat of Kings, or the Condor of the Andes " ( 1847 ); " The Minstrelsy of Nature in the Wilds of North America "; " The Wild Wood Spirits'Chant " ( ca . 1842 ); " The Treaty of William Penn with the Indians " ( 1834; a rare 19th century concerto grosso ).
- It's difficult to see wood spirit in a sentence. 用wood spirit造句挺难的
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